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I read 60+ books a year, so I hope to be your source for great non-fiction reads on science, education, current affairs, history and interesting people.
What you can expect:
1 - 2 newsletters a week (every Tuesday and sometimes Thursdays) reviewing a non-fiction book.
2 - 3 additional book recommendations in every newsletter that are similar in scope or style to the newsletter’s feature book.
Once monthly curated reading lists on special topics, like this one.
Once monthly post on new books added to my TBR, like this one.
All content is free to subscribers! My posts contain affiliate links that help me make a small commission on books you purchase from those links.
Who am I?
I hold a PhD in psychology with a specialization in human evolution and development. I work in the non-profit, higher education sector where I am currently the Director of Communications at Heterodox Academy. When I am not reading, I enjoy hiking, skiing, camping, and running. I’m a new Californian living in San Jose with my husband and twin daughters.